I ran across an interesting article in the May 2015 issue of Smithsonian magazine. Entitled “Welcome to Farmtopia”, it describes an agricultural movement that calls itself agritopia. Several of these developments have popped up across the country.
The website agritopia.com describes one such community in the Phoenix area as
“…something of a modern day village set within the urban fabric of the Phoenix metro area. The name says it all: Agritopia® is about preserving urban agriculture and integrating it into the most neighborly, well-designed community possible. It is a principle-driven development that puts people and relationships ahead of money and trendiness. We believe that a simple life with friends and family is a rich life. The design of the community is intended to breakdown traditional barriers between people to encourage formation of real community among people of varied backgrounds.”
Interesting, but is it sustainable?
That’s what the Smithsonian article wants to know.
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