Awhile back, I had a great idea for a short story. I put my best work on paper, then sent it to the Bewildering Stories website.
They rejected it.
But after two rewrites, it was eventually accepted and published in Issue 864 (http://www.bewilderingstories.com/issue864/help_friend1.html). The short story turned out so well, I just kept writing. Forty-two thousand words later, I have With a Little Help From My Friend: A Mystery Story from Solstice Publishing.
The book is now available from Amazon.com (https://www.amazon.com/Little-Help-My-Friend-Mystery/dp/B09FS2VXWQ/ref=sr_1_1?) in three versions —
Paperback, 5″ x 8″, 234 pages, $16.99
Kindle download, $6.99
Kindle Unlimited, $0.00
You can also order directly from me (especially if you live close to Centerville, OH) through my website (https://www.bobwelbaum-author.com/) with Paypal.
And if you’re just curious, read the first chapter on Bewildering Stories at the link above.
Since this is a debut novel, all comments are appreciated.