Author Archives: Bob Welbaum

Geography Quirks

One rule in life — things are not always what your common sense thinks they should be. That’s especially true in geography. For example, go due south from Detroit, Michigan — what is the first foreign country you come to?  It’s actually Canada. And did you know the Atlantic Ocean entrance to the Panama Canal

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What Kids Can Teach You

I had a busy day teaching Language Arts yesterday, which triggered my favorite teaching memory. Several years ago, I was helping out in a middle school science class. The students were doing an experiment in teams, writing their findings in notebooks. Toward the end of the period, there was a mad dash to finish and

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Have We Forgotten Nonviolence?

Recently I came across an interview with Taylor Branch, Martin Luther King, Jr.’s, biographer. Published in the January 2015 issue of “Smithsonian” magazine, it discusses Dr. King’s true legacy. Branch makes an important case: “Look at the fall of the Berlin Wall, the fall of the whole Soviet Union, begun with nonviolent demonstrations in a

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Our First Air Force

It is a fundamental principle of warfare: control the high ground and you have the advantage. Of course, the ultimate high ground is in the air. In the American Civil War, that meant balloons. Both the Union and Confederacy experimented with balloons, with the Union having more success, although “success” is a relative term in

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