Category Archives: Original Poetry

A Poem For Memorial Day

The Patriot Jerry is a patriot, he loves his country dear. He waves the flag on July 4th, he makes his feelings clear. He fancies himself vigilant, his loyalty is defined. But when it comes the time to vote, It tends to slip his mind. He thinks the world of veterans who‘ve come home from

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A Poem On Importance

On Importance I saw an old friend yesterday. A high school classmate. We had a lot to catch up on. He’s doing very well, he says. He has a very responsible position. He makes major decisions all the time. People depend on his judgment. They call and ask his opinion: the plant manager, Vice President

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A Poem For Spring

My Rite of Spring I consider myself a peaceable soul. I value all manner of livable things. Insects and mice, spiders and voles. Just about anything Mom Nature brings. But I do have my standards. I will draw the line. I have to set limits someday and sometime. Weeds in the yard — a depressing

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Drawing A Short Straw

For the past two days I’ve been working with special-needs students. This reminded me of a poem I wrote about them for my book Some Poems About Life.   Drawing A Short Straw Sam sits at his school desk on a typical winter day. He’s working at his lesson, the first lesson of today, as

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